Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Web Challenge

Is that a thing?
That can't be a real thing.
At the best of times I have been baffled by societies’ interpretation of what is appropriate. However even I feel this new Dick Pic Challenge is crossing a line. Obviously this line is imaginary, arbitrary and evolves over time but as of right now? Crossed.
So I’m joining in, challenge accepted.
As far as I can figure, the challenge involves firstly writing up a list of real world scenarios that select moments your partner will receive a picture of your junk on their phone. A bucket list of penis if you will. I prefer to understand a game before I begin, it is one of my many quirks and I have so many questions of this one. However it kind of feels you just need to roll with this challenge and not overthink it. Or underthink it. Or put in any thought at all really.
My personal scenario challenges for those perfect moments:
  • While talking with the other dance mums at dance practice
  • At the Adele concert
  • The next time she goes shopping with her mother
  • At a restaurant the next time we go out for dinner (after excusing self to go to bathroom)
  • During the next parent & teacher interview at school
Oh, Lord.
It is a thing.
I’m going to be honest, I’m not sure if I’m going to improve as a person simply by ticking these off. On the other hand I don’t really understand the point of the challenge in the first place so that may not even be a goal. What is important is that in some strange and possibly twisted fashion I am spending quality time with my partner and isn’t that all that matters?


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