- It is Friday.
- Client from Spain sending everything through in Spanish and not being appreciative of me responding with “Ole, you daft fucks, send it again in English. Ole.” but then still making a conversion to the mother-tongue for me.
- Someone calling me to say they were going to be late into work. I thought we went over this. Hopefully after the email I just sent it is now the last time that will happen.
- Some eye candy just walked past the window.
- I got Zooper Dooper icy poles and put them in the work freezer. Now every morning at 10:00am I get a Zooper Dooper.
- Clients who ask when I turn up to a meeting, “Is that a Zooper Dooper? I want a fucken Zooper Dooper”. Then we have a business meeting with Zooper Doopers, because civilised adults share.
It doesn’t take much for me to be content with my lot in life: Ice, sugar, tits and being sarcastic to my work colleagues.
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