Budget night is a big thing for
accountants, we get our pens or laptops and sit down to spend a night watching
the televised coverage unfold, taking notes to discuss around the water cooler
the next day. Well some of us anyway. I was only aware it was on because I
client mentioned something and I am excluded from the water cooler talk because
other staff are getting the impression I hate them.
The day following the budget we always
receive several emails from various groups summarising the tone and import of
the recently announced budget changes. Which is why I don’t bother following
the coverage; someone spoon feeds me the important parts in bullet point. Well
that on top of a general air of indifference that I can almost float on. My
firm also generated a list of budget reforms that we could send out to clients
and prove we both knew and gave a shit about what was going on in the country.
The controversy was in the picture they
selected to accompany our firm’s newsletter. It displayed a young girl climbing
a fence on a lookout with a large picturesque drop in front of her. My first
thought was that the girl had given up life and was obviously going to jump. I
heard a comment from a nearby cubicle along the lines of the budget wasn’t that
bad. Which, as an aside, was valuable feedback for me because I hadn’t read any
of the summarised budget emails so I could at least parrot back to anyone who
asked about the budget, “It wasn’t that bad”. As a note, I have no intention of
reading them in the future either. In any case, the watercooler was afire with
gossip about who selected the picture. I suppose the theory behind that
particular graphic was, “Fucking tax grabbing bastards, better top myself” and
from an artistic sense, who can fault that?
Obviously I don't
represent this firm.
Now my current artwork in MS paint of
the picture with ‘Budget 2017’ in really cool font over the poor little girl
just seems mean and insensitive. I tried drawing horns on the girl with a tail
and pitchfork to illustrate the corrupt nature of government but it didn’t
really help either. Close without saving? Yes. Dammit, I don’t always listen to
common sense but someone was crying. Other reasons as well, probably.
My thoughts on the budget? It wasn’t
that bad.
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