Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Work Dilemma

When I got to work this morning there was a bunch of folk in the kitchen dealing with some sort of medical situation with one of the staff. They attempted to usher me through quickly and told me to remain calm.
When told not to panic, why is my first thought to pick up a bin, throw it through a window and start looting?
Sometime after, one of my staff came in a little late and complained about feeling dizzy. Already worked up from the original encounter I immediately looked for a bin to start the whole looting process again. As long as any future crisis has a ready supply of bins, plate glass windows and things worth stealing, I am set.
I kind of think of myself as Die Hard - assuming Die Hard didn’t save anyone, broke some shit and just heroically walked out, pockets bulging with stationary and a monitor under one arm.


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